
Showing posts from November, 2021

5 Common Types Of Whistleblower Cases Under Employment Law

  If you know of wrongdoing or illegal behavior on the part of your employer, you should be protected from bringing that information to authorities. In some cases, you can receive protection even if you have been a part of that wrongdoing. Here are some common types of whistleblower cases: Tax Fraud Poor Working Conditions Healthcare Fraud US Securities and Stocks Illegal Dumping Do not wait another minute before seeking legal assistance if you have been treated unfairly by your employer. An  experienced Los Angeles employment law attorneys at The Rager Law Firm are committed to helping clients recover the compensation they deserve.

What Constitutes A Hostile Work Environment?

  Problems with discrimination and harassment can arise at any moment. Sometimes co workers or employers can look down on certain employees because they are simply not like the rest. These hostile working conditions can be very frustrating and emotionally draining. Although many scenarios can constitute a hostile work environment, some specific examples are considered illegal under California law: Making jokes regarding race or gender Talking about sexual activities Inappropriate touching Interrupting someone’s work Victims sometimes fear speaking out because they are afraid of losing their jobs. This is why asking a  Los Angeles hostile work environment attorney  is a crucial step before you file your claim as your decisions will be more tactful.

How Do Federal And State Laws Bar Discrimination Against Employees?

  Discrimination takes place in almost every place. However, both federal and state law bar discrimination against employees based on the following: Race or color Ethnicity or nationality Gender or sexual identity Disability Marital status Religion (or lack of religion) Age An  employment law lawyer in Los Angeles  will not only handle your case with conviction but with compassion as well. They understand it is a sensitive situation and may affect you in some or another way.