When Employment Laws Apply To You?

If you’re employed by any U.S. business with California locations, both California and Federal laws, such as EEOC, Civil Rights Act, and FMLA, were enacted to make sure employers pay workers fairly, afford each person the opportunity to advance and provide safe working conditions. Not every employer follows employment law. So, attorneys litigate when employees: Get wrongfully terminated for reporting unsafe incidents or corporate fraud, known as whistleblowing. Other defamatory names are often used in place of a whistleblower. Are told leaving to attend a family member’s funeral, wife’s pregnancy or other family emergencies will lead to termination. Oftentimes employees live in fear of reporting violations because they believe their employer will retaliate against them or fire them. When you have The Rager Law Firm on your side, an employment law attorney in Los Angeles can face these fears head-on and take on those employers who are using your fear to their advantag...