
Showing posts from October, 2020

Follow 4 Tips To Avoid Business-Killing Wrongful Termination Lawsuits

If you don’t want your business to be part of all that messy stuff, it’s time to talk about wrongful termination. To save your business’s reputation, wrongful termination attorneys outline the best strategy to avoid wrongful termination lawsuits when firing an employee.  Consult the skilled  Los Angeles wrongful termination attorneys  at  Rager Law Firm  to prevent or win a wrongful termination lawsuit.

3 Things Attorneys Can Make A Difference In An Employment Case

Are you treated differently at your workplace, and don’t have the same rights as others? Here is how an employment attorney can help you deal with any work-related problems. Educate You Proving You Are a Victim Give Much-Needed Advice Don’t believe in myths and rumors, the experienced  Los Angeles employment law attorneys  at  Rager Law Firm  are definitely on your side.

What Does Non-physical Sexual Harassment Look Like?

Workplace sexual harassment can be particularly harmful because it affects your income and livelihood. If you’ve been touched or grabbed inappropriately in the workplace, then you’ve experienced sexual harassment. Any unwanted physical contact in the workplace is out of bounds. Nobody should be comfortable with that. Job performance should never be based on how someone looks or responds to demeaning comments. If you are experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, kindly consult the  Los Angeles sexual harassment attorneys  at Rager Law Firm.